Who am I? I am many things but first and foremost, I am the wife of Keith and the mother of two little boys, Harley and Levi. I am also a WAHM, an avid reader, experimental cook, self-confessed geek, couch potato, Facebook addict, digital scrapbooker and of course, a blogger.

No wonder I was in so much pain...

Sunday 24 February 2008

is a photo of my gall stones. I didn't want to post them out in the open as I didn't want to freak anyone out! And here is my poor tummy post-op.

Like I said, no wonder I was in so much pain... Look at the size of those things! There was actually 3 but they only gave me one and a half. I don't really remember much of the procedure at all. I remember them telling me to lay on the operating table, take a few breaths from the face mask, they put the drip in, the nurse said "Have a nice sleep!" and it was lights out! I woke up in recovery but was still very disorientented and couldn't keep my eyes open for very long. They showed me the stones and I think I said "I don't do things by halves do I?" and then they laughed.

It's now 3 days later and I'm still feeling pretty sore but I'm so glad it's all over and done with now and I don't have to worry about when the next attack is coming. I'm supposed to take it easy for two weeks while the wound heals so I've got Keith home all this week to look after Harley and then Mum flies up on Sunday to take over from Keith. The worst part of all this is not the pain or the scars, it's not being able to hold my little boy for two weeks! It won't be long and two weeks will be up and then it's back to the daily grind so I guess I should make the most of it. :)


MrsCullenized said...

Hope you feel 100% again soon

Anonymous said...

My 75yr old mama has gallstones.They can't remove them because of heart and lung condition. She is in much pain, and there is nothing I can do for her. I am so glad you could get yours removed and are doing well, the baby is just precious..God Bless You,,,Debi

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