Who am I? I am many things but first and foremost, I am the wife of Keith and the mother of two little boys, Harley and Levi. I am also a WAHM, an avid reader, experimental cook, self-confessed geek, couch potato, Facebook addict, digital scrapbooker and of course, a blogger.

Cycle#2 CD24 - 8DPO

Monday 14 July 2008

Here's my symptoms for this month:-

O - 3DPO: Nothing (did get a positive OPK at 1DPO, my first!)
4DPO - 7DPO: High temps (37.4+), excess CM, lumpy boobs, itchy legs, moody, unquenchable thirst
8DPO - All of the above + cramping on the lower right (not for long though)

The itchy legs are driving me CRAZY. I've read somewhere that's a symptom of early pregnancy but who knows. It could just be wonderful winter! The high temps make me feel like I'm cooking from the inside out. They come and go though. Helps keep me warm I guess! LOL The cramping was unusual. It was kinda like a stabbing pain down low on the left side (ovaries?). As for the moodiness, I'm ready to KILL someone I'm that angry. Poor Keith copped a lot of crap over the weekend and I feel horrible for taking things out on him but if I *am* pregnant, I can blame the hormones. I hope it doesn't last throughout the whole pregnancy though. I'll have no friends by the end of it! Fingers crossed for us. :)


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