Who am I? I am many things but first and foremost, I am the wife of Keith and the mother of two little boys, Harley and Levi. I am also a WAHM, an avid reader, experimental cook, self-confessed geek, couch potato, Facebook addict, digital scrapbooker and of course, a blogger.

Operation Teddy Swap

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Harley's had the same teddy since he was born and loved it from day one. This is "Teddy"...

Anyway, recently Teddy (I) has seen better days and is starting to fall apart due to over-snuggling so today I bought a replacement (Teddy II). Teddy II is exactly the same. Same fur, same blanket, same colour, same stitching, same everything except for the wear & tear BUT he won't have anything to do with it! :(

I did try... (video 1)

... and I tried again ... (video 2)

But it's obvious there's no fooling my son. He chose Teddy I both times. If he sees Teddy II on the floor, he'll walk all the way around it until he finds Teddy I. :shock: Looks like I may need to whip out the sewing kit and revive Teddy I... LOL


Death Diaries said...

LMAO! that's funny, it just goes to show that kiddo's are not silly eh at least you tried hun, maybe baby number two might befriend teddy number two hehe.

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