Who am I? I am many things but first and foremost, I am the wife of Keith and the mother of two little boys, Harley and Levi. I am also a WAHM, an avid reader, experimental cook, self-confessed geek, couch potato, Facebook addict, digital scrapbooker and of course, a blogger.

Not the day I was hoping for

Saturday 8 November 2008

Today was the day of our halfway scan. I was hoping to go in there, see bub, find out all was OK and maybe even the sex but it sure didn't turn out that way. I left the room almost in tears but NOT because he didn't tell us the sex... It was because he didn't tell us ANYTHING. Keith and I were both asking questions and he'd give us the briefest of answers and then carry on. I even tried cracking a few jokes with him but it was all business. I'm pretty convinced he didn't know what he was doing as twice he typed the wrong thing on the screen. He was concentrating on a spot on the heart for ages and Keith & I were getting very anxious because of course, he wasn't saying anything so we asked if everything was OK and he said he just has to get a few images so the doctor doing the report can see everything. Yeah fair enough but IS EVERYTHING OK?!?! He didn't answer us. My heart was in my throat, my fists clenched and my toes crunched through the whole process. When I left I almost burst into tears.

This is the spot he was concentrating on.

I really don't care about the gender of the baby at the moment, I just REALLY need to know all is OK so I've booked another ultrasound on Wednesday (12th Nov) with a great place that will actually discuss everything with you. I've used them before with Harley and they were excellent (should have gone there FIRST). This place also have 3D so should be able to see any abnormalities better - fingers crossed there aren't any to find though.

What was meant to be a wonderful day for us turned into a sh!t day pretty quickly. :(


Lou said...

Hi, found your blog via Gemma's blog. Hope everything turns out ok. Pregnancy and children bring out the strongest emotions in us all - we just want them to be safe. All the best. Lou.

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