Who am I? I am many things but first and foremost, I am the wife of Keith and the mother of two little boys, Harley and Levi. I am also a WAHM, an avid reader, experimental cook, self-confessed geek, couch potato, Facebook addict, digital scrapbooker and of course, a blogger.

(7w 1d) Say hello to Bub #2!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Well, you can't really see much but it should be in there. The dates are measuring 5w on the scan which was wrong but I think the guy said these machines can vary up to a week which makes sense. I'm so confused by the dates! Today I'm 7w 1d but if I go by the date I ovulated, I'm only 6w 5d. It really doesn't matter that much but I'm just worried the baby isn't growing like it should be but then if I go by the ovulation date, everything is right on track! My HCG level from Monday was 1534. It's within the normal range for a 6 weeks gestation even though I was 6w 6d (LMP date). I have my second lot of bloods tomorrow and the ultrasound scan on Tuesday when I'll be 8 weeks (LMP date).

Gotta stop worrying... gotta stop worrying... It's gonna do my head in!

On another note, Harley's routine has completely changed. Gone are the days of my little early bird! Well, he's still in bed early but no longer by 5pm. Here's a rundown...

7am - Bottle
8am - Breakfast
8:30am - Bath
9am - Nap time
11am - Morning Tea
12pm - Lunch
1pm - Bottle and nap
3pm - Afternoon tea
5pm - Dinner
5:30pm - Bath
6pm - Bottle and bed

And that's our day in a nutshell! Of course everything changes is we leave the house. Afternoons are a shocker. Most days it takes him about an hour to get to sleep. I don't know why. He's tired by then as he's usually yawning his head off and rubbing his eyes but just won't go to sleep!


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